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Author | Editor | Entrepreneur

About Me

I'm Ebony, an editor, author, and entrepreneur. With over 30 years of writing experience I've dabbled in all kinds of writing styles, from academic to captivating fiction, technical writing and sales copy.

But you know what truly lights up my world? Helping educators, entrepreneurs and everyday people share their stories with the world by providing coaching and strategy development. Let's turn your story into something extraordinary!

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Whether you're just starting or need a boost to reach the finish line, we'll create a writing schedule, provide motivation, and guide you on the right track. Get ready to turn your book dream into reality!

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Is your manuscript complete but you're unsure if it's ready for the world? Our Book Audit gives you a high-level editorial review and valuable feedback on audience-POV alignment to ensure your book resonates with your readers.

Woman in White Long Sleeved Shirt Holding a Pen Writing on a Paper


Are you ready to take your book sales to the next level? Let's work together to create an engaging, strategic marketing plan. We'll increase your book's visibility, reach a wider audience, and ultimately boost sales.